a woman's legs in fishnet stockings on a pink background a woman's legs in fishnet stockings on a pink background

From High Heels to Comfort: The #MeToo Influence

The Lasting Influence of #MeToo

Seven years after Alyssa Milano’s influential tweet ignited the #MeToo movement, significant shifts have occurred in attitudes towards sexual harassment and assault across numerous countries. However, a new study by INSEAD professors Frédéric Godart and David Dubois, along with Clément Bellet from Erasmus University Rotterdam, reveals that the movement’s impact extends beyond social consciousness, reaching into the realm of consumer behaviour and purchasing decisions.

Study Findings: A Shift in Footwear Purchases

The research indicates that the #MeToo movement triggered notable changes in purchasing patterns, particularly concerning women’s footwear. Analysis of data from a leading fashion retailer spanning 32 OECD countries reveals a dramatic 14.4 percent decrease in stockouts of stereotypically feminine shoes, such as high heels, in the weeks following the movement’s emergence in October 2017.

The study’s results are even more pronounced in markets heavily influenced by the #MeToo discourse, particularly in Nordic countries and France, where stockouts of traditionally feminine styles fell by an impressive 25 percent. This data suggests that consumers are increasingly rejecting products that reinforce traditional gender roles and stereotypes.

Broader Implications: Changes in Fashion Preferences

The researchers observed similar trends across three additional women’s product categories: lingerie, dresses, and handbags, where stockouts of pink or red items also declined. This trend indicates that the impact of the #MeToo movement extends beyond footwear and suggests a broader cultural shift in women’s fashion choices. To investigate the reasons behind these changes, the team conducted a survey of approximately 1,000 women in the United States.

Consumer Sentiment: Rebellion Against Gender Stereotypes

The survey results indicate a significant reduction in demand for high-heeled shoes among women exposed to #MeToo-related content. This decline points to a broader rebellion against traditional gender stereotypes, suggesting that consumers are increasingly moving away from starkly feminine products. Instead of feeling threatened or empowered by the movement, women appear to be rejecting conventional representations of femininity in favour of more practical and comfortable options.

Recommendations for Brands: Adapting to Social Changes

The implications of this study extend well beyond the fashion industry. The researchers urge brands that heavily utilise gender-based marketing strategies—often termed “pink it or shrink it” to reassess their approaches. Companies must remain attuned to evolving social norms and values, as these shifts can significantly impact consumer preferences.

Brands are advised to be proactive in understanding their target demographics and the changing landscape of consumer identity. By fostering inclusive and diverse marketing strategies, companies can better connect with a broad range of consumers who are increasingly wary of stereotypical gender portrayals.

A New Era of Consumer Identity

Published in Management Science in September 2024, this research provides vital insights for businesses operating in a landscape where consumer identity is a dominant factor in purchasing decisions. As social movements continue to shape public discourse and consumer preferences, companies that adapt swiftly to these changes may be better positioned for long-term success. This study serves as a reminder of the profound influence that societal movements can have on market trends and consumer behaviour, encouraging brands to reflect on their marketing strategies.