Are you tired of squirrels ruining your garden? While these critters may be cute, they can wreak havoc on your plants. Unfortunately, there’s no foolproof way to keep them out of your outdoor space and going to war with squirrels is probably a losing battle. Instead, here are some top tips on how to coexist with them.

Identify Where the Squirrel Damage is Happening

To effectively address squirrel damage in your garden, it is important to identify the specific areas where the damage is occurring. Squirrels have a diverse diet and can quickly consume fruits, veggies, flower bulbs, and nuts. However, they may also be burying nuts and seeds in the soil, which can cause damage to the roots of the produce growing in the garden.

To pinpoint the areas of damage, it is important to be observant and look for signs such as missing or damaged produce, holes in the soil, and disturbed roots. You can also use physical barriers such as fences or netting to protect your garden from squirrel damage. Additionally, planting squirrel-resistant plants and using squirrel repellents can also help to minimize damage.

Create a Squirrel-Friendly Area

Squirrels can wreak havoc on your garden, but there are ways to keep them away from your prized plants. Consider creating a squirrel- and bird-friendly spot that will be irresistible to them. Here are some tips to help you create a squirrel-friendly spot:

  • Plant sunflowers: Squirrels love sunflower seeds, so planting sunflowers in a corner of your garden will keep them happy and out of the plants you don’t want them to use. Plant them near a fence, which squirrels use as a road.
  • Fruit shrubs: Consider planting fruiting shrubs like currents, hawthorns, or roses. Squirrels love the rosehips, and they will be attracted to the fruit.
  • Water source: Squirrels can hear the water moving in the drip tape or pipe, and they are thirsty, so they chew the system. To prevent this, put out a saucer of fresh water, which gives them a drinking place. This will keep them away from damaging the drip system.

By creating a squirrel-friendly spot, you will not only keep them away from your prized plants, but you will also provide a safe and attractive space for them to enjoy. With these tips, you can easily create a squirrel-friendly spot in your garden.

Don’t Delay Harvesting Your Fruits and Veggies

To avoid attracting unwanted pests to your garden, it is important to regularly harvest ripe fruits and vegetables and remove any rotting produce. This simple housekeeping task can prevent animals such as squirrels from being drawn to your garden bed. Make sure to harvest at the appropriate intervals to ensure the best flavor and quality of your produce. Promptly removing any rotten fruits and vegetables can also prevent the spread of disease and pests. By keeping your garden clean and well-maintained, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest and keep pests at bay.

Plant Deterrent Plants

If you are looking to keep squirrels out of your garden, planting certain plants can help. Squirrels have a strong sense of smell and are deterred by strong-scented plants. Garlic and onion-type plants, such as allium flowers, scallions, or garlic, as well as mint plants, hot pepper plants, and strong-scented blooms like geraniums, marigold, lily of the valley, and daffodils are not palatable to squirrels. By planting these around the plants you want to protect, you can discourage squirrels from venturing further into your garden.

Another option is to plant vegetables that you prefer to eat to deter squirrels. This way, you can prevent squirrel damage while also enjoying a harvest of vegetables you prefer.

Use Chicken Wire to Protect Your Plants

To prevent animals from reaching your plants, you can create a barrier using metal chicken wire. This is a highly effective method recommended by experts. Avoid using netting, as it can trap birds and other animals. However, keep in mind that squirrels are capable of chewing through metal, so a determined squirrel may still be able to get past this barrier.

Pepper Flakes on the Soil May Help

To keep squirrels and other pests away from your plants, try sprinkling red or black pepper flakes on the soil. The hot pepper or black pepper irritates the critters’ nose and paws, making them less likely to return. It’s important to resprinkle after heavy rain or wind storms to ensure effectiveness. This is a natural and effective method for pest control that can save you money and reduce your reliance on chemical pesticides. Give it a try and see if it works for you!

Consider using the following steps to apply pepper flakes on the soil:

  • Sprinkle the pepper flakes around the plants you want to protect, making sure to cover the soil surface evenly.
  • Reapply after heavy rain or wind storms.
  • Use gloves to protect your skin from the pepper flakes.
  • Avoid applying too much pepper flakes as it may harm the plants.

Other Squirrel-Deterrent Products

If you have tried everything above and still have issues with pesky critters in your garden, there are other options to consider. Here are a few additional squirrel deterrent products to try:

  • Plantskydd: This deodorized blood meal powder or granule is applied as a barrier on the ground around plants. Plantskydd is effective against squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, bears, deer, and elk. It only needs to be applied once every six months.
  • Motion-activated sprinklers: Smart home type products, like motion-activated sprinklers, can also encourage squirrels to leave your garden. When a squirrel crosses the motion sensor, the sprinkler activates and sprays water, scaring the squirrel away.
  • Pie plates and mylar tape: Low-tech options like pie plates and mylar tape can have short-term success. However, they should be removed and replaced regularly to prevent squirrels from becoming accustomed to them.
  • Predator urine: Wolf, fox, and other predator urine are sometimes used as a deterrent. However, they tend to become ineffective quickly.

Remember, not all squirrel deterrent products work for every situation. It may take some experimentation to find the right product for your garden.

Protect Key Garden Elements with a Mixture of Petroleum Jelly and Hot Pepper Sauce

Squirrels can be a nuisance in your garden, as they can chew on almost anything, including wooden fences, hoses, and irrigation systems. To protect your garden elements, you can apply a mixture of petroleum jelly and hot pepper sauce or spicy pepper flakes. Rub this combination on spots that squirrels tend to chew, and it will help keep them away. This method can also protect your bird feeder, as birds are not affected by the spice.

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