An extra £87,000 has been secured by the Council to support the expected rise in rough sleeping with up to 29 extra emergency beds and additional support this winter.
This emergency winter provision ensures that everyone sleeping rough has the option of a warm place to stay this winter, whatever the weather. The extra funding also reflects the rise in rough sleeping nationally. In addition, and where appropriate, these funds can pay for bed and breakfast for rough sleepers with the lowest support needs, other accommodation options as well as any extra staffing needed.

A number of emergency beds is always available at other times of year in addition to the 120 regular beds for single, homeless people. People rough sleeping in York but who don’t have a connection to the city are supported temporarily and supported to return home.

The Council’s housing navigators working on the streets and officers at drop-in sessions offer accommodation that is best-suited to the individual’s situation and support needs.
If that placement is successful, longer-term accommodation with appropriate levels of support is offered, and wherever possible.

Pauline Stuchfield, Director of Housing and Communities at City of York Council, said: “These 29 extra emergency beds are to accommodate the expected increase in rough sleepers over the winter months, whatever the weather throws us. 

“This ensures that everyone who sleeps rough can have a warm place to stay as the temperature drops and the health risks of sleeping rough increase. Our winter bed scheme exceeds national guidelines as it is available whether it’s freezing or not. 

“We have a very good idea of who is sleeping rough and where they might be. If you see someone appearing to sleep rough, please call or text our Housing navigators on 0751 116 1169 or contact StreetLink who will alert us.

“We want to do all we can to make rough sleeping in our city rare, brief and a one-off. To help us do this, please take part in our ongoing consultation on our homeless strategy at which ends on 15 November.

”For more information on how we help rough sleepers, please visit

If you are sleeping rough and need support outside normal office house, please call our Emergency Duty Team for advice and guidance on 0300 131 2131.

If you are sleeping outdoors or see someone who is, please let StreetLink know. They will notify us so we can go and offer help.Please donate to people sleeping rough via The charity gives personalised grants to homeless people in York which can include help to buy clothes for interviews, a bike to get to work or paying rent on an allotment.
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