A playground for aliens and a creature like the Loch Ness Monster has been revealed in a volcanic crater in Mexico.

The secret crater, which can only be accessed via a 1,640ft dark tunnel, has been revealed as the place where aliens have landed and a creature like the legendary Nessie has been spotted swimming around.

To even get into the crater, which is one of seven in the area, explorers have to crouch down and feel their way along the stone tunnel.

Image from Jam Press

The volcano, one of the Seven Luminarias, can be found in Rincón de Parangueo near Valle de Santiago, Mexico. Locals swear to have seen a large monster-like creature living in the crater and they say it is a landing area for alien spacecraft and other paranormal activity.

The crater is a large white expanse that could be full of water or have as little as a puddle, it all depends how much rainfall there has been in the area at the time. It is a dramatic sight, surrounded by mountains and dense green undergrowth. Sometimes the water can look a reddish brown colour and this sends panic among the locals who believe it is a sign of an imminent disaster.

Image from Jam Press

Locals will tell you that a man died in the crater’s entry tunnel after committing treason. They say his blood mixed with the water, which is why it changes colour. However, scientists say the change is due to lack of  oxygen in the water.

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