A fearless four-year-old boy has become an internet sensation with his daredevil bike stunts.
Young Elliot Honeycutt from California has taken Instagram by storm with his series of adventurous exploits – most on his balance bike with no pedals.

The pint-sized performer has captured the hearts of thousands of followers as he fearlessly jumps off ramps, manoeuvres through obstacle courses and even escapes from the family dog on his bike.
Elliot’s proud father, Dan, describes his son as living life with the “throttle wide open.”
Videos shared on social media showcase the young rider, who is not even old enough to go to school yet, performing his daredevil tricks and amazing bike skills, and Elliot now has more than 300,000 followers. One compilation of Elliot’s exploits has received 168 miillion views and 65 million likes.

Among his daring feats, Elliot is seen bravely leaping off the garage roof, landing securely in his father’s arms.

Dan said: “His favourite things include building backyard push bike tracks, riding to the parks, playing bike tag, and wrestling on the bed.”
But as well as his adrenaline-packed pursuits, Elliot also loves doing crafts and nature studies with his mum, and playing and reading with his grandfather ‘Papa’.

Online fans love Elliot’s adventures. One said: “You do understand you’re creating one of the best BMX athletes of all time right?”
Pablo commented: “Respect for not creating another overweight iPad baby.”