A terrified homeowner is being haunted by the ghost of a young boy who is banging on his door late at night.

The ghost boy is seen banging on the door of Diego Spyckerzs’s home, but when Diego opens the door, there is no-one there.

Image from Jam Press

Diego films the whole episode, including opening the door to nothing and shared his frightening experience on social media.

The outline of a boy can clearly be seen through the glass and the sound of the boy pounding on the door can be heard on the video, but when Diego quickly opens the door and pans down the quiet and dimly lit street and there is no-one to be seen.

Image from Jam Press

Tattoo artist Diego, from Colombia, sounds scared as he commentates on his video with a tremble in his voice and nervous breathing. He said: “I’ve been unable to sleep for nights because in the early morning, he knocks on the door. It’s truly terrifying.”

Image from Jam Press

One local called Carlos warned Diego not to open the door at night to an unknown caller.

Others are worried that Diego has let the spirit of the ‘ghost boy’ into his house. Anderson said: “You’re giving entry to that evil spirit into your house. Getting him out of his house is going to be difficult now.”
