Winston, a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, has become an accomplished globetrotter, completing 80 flights across various countries before even turning three.

This well-travelled canine has visited nine countries, including The Bahamas, Mexico, France, and Italy.

Maddie Orourke, his owner from Bedfordshire, ensures Winston’s journeys are in luxury, flying business class and occasionally on private jets.

Despite being just over two and a half years old, Winston has travelled more than the average UK citizen.

34-year-old Maddie, an avid traveller herself with 42 countries under her belt, had to pause her travels due to health issues caused by regular seizures.

Winston, however, has been a game-changer as her service dog. He’s trained to detect changes in Maddie’s body odour, alerting her to find safety before a seizure occurs.

This has given Maddie the confidence to travel again, with Winston providing both assistance and companionship.

As a service dog, Winston flies with Maddie without any additional fees.

Maddie shared, “Having Winston has reinvigorated my love for travel. We’ve been to nine countries together, with Italy being our favourite due to its dog-friendly atmosphere.

“Travelling on a private jet with Winston was remarkable. The process is seamless compared to standard flying, with no leash required and a more relaxed environment for Winston.

“He even got to experience the pilot’s seat!”

Winston’s travels aren’t just about flights; he’s also enjoyed stays in luxurious hotels around the world. In New York City, he rode in a yellow pet cab to Times Square and stayed in a suite at Virgin Hotels. In Paris, the duo stayed in a hotel with a view of the Eiffel Tower, where Winston had his own bed.

Currently residing in Miami Beach, Florida, Maddie and Winston have also visited the UK, Ireland, and Scotland.

Winston’s European pet passport, costing £42.85, facilitates his EU travels, saving Maddie the previous expense of around £395 for health certificates per trip.

However, keeping Winston’s vaccines up to date is a necessity for their travels, with costs varying by location.

Maddie advises, “Travelling with a pet requires extra planning. It’s essential to research the destination’s animal import regulations and consult your vet about international travel documents. Finding dog-friendly accommodations and activities is also key.

“Our next adventure includes a US road trip, and we hope to visit Japan soon.”
